Tampa Bay Fishing Charters Species
In many cases, a license is required for saltwater fishing. Contact the Florida Marine Patrol for license requirements, as well as for information on size and bag limits and seasonal closures. If you are booking a Tampa Bay Fishing Charter with us (Slay The Bay Fishing Charters) then you have nothing to worry about. We provide a fishing license for up to four anglers along with fishing tackle and bait.
YOU CAN HELP: Commit yourself to ethical angling; the future of your sport depends on it!
Help fish stocks increase through catch and release.
Limit your take and vary your target.
Observe regulations and report violations.
Only keep fish for food or trophy.
Share what you know to help the sport grow.
Tampa Bay Spanish Mackerel Fishing
Found near channel edges on sandy bottoms, near tidal passes and bait towers.
Use live shrimp, greenbacks , sardines or artificial baits. These are some of the most vicious and fastest striking fish that swing in our waters. Expect to catch a Spanish Mackerel on your Tampa Bay Fishing Charters.
Tampa Bay Redfish / Red Drum Fishing
Found near docks and pilings, deeper holes and channels during warmest and coolest months; around grass beds and oyster bars.
Use live shrimp fished on bottom or free-lined, or use soft-bodied jigs bounced slowly on bottom, or use small gold spoons. Expect to catch a redfish on your Tampa Bay Fishing Charters.
Tampa Bay Sheepshead Fishing
Found near bridges, docks, or seawalls, and pilings.
Use live shrimp, sand fleas, or hermit fiddler crabs on small hook. Fish just off the bottom. On first tug, lower the rod and then strike hard. Skin fish before eating. Mostly a winter time fish that you can expect to catch on your Tampa Fishing Charters.
Snook Fishing Tampa Bay
Found in canals, tidal creeks, and other deep, warm waters in cool months; near tidal passes and mangrove fringe at high tide.
Use live pinfish, small mullet, shrimp, or sardines free-lined or fished with a bobber or use jigs and minnow-like lures. Beware of the snook's razor-sharp gills. Expect to catch a snook when you book your Tampa Fishing Charters.
Spotted Seatrout Fishing Tampa Bay
Found in seagrass beds when water temperatures are moderate, and deeper waters adjacent to beds during warmest and coolest months.
Use live shrimp or pigfish (grunts) fished near bottom by free-lining or under a popping bobber, or use soft-bodied and fish-like lures. Cast with jigs or surface plugs as you drift. Expect to catch a trout when you book your Tampa Fishing Charters.

Tampa Bay Cobia Fishing
Mostly found on reef bottoms or swimming around bouy's and towers. Cobia can be caught all times of the year. Crab, sardines, shrimp or pinfish free lined will do the trick. If they are on the reef bottom try chumming them up to get them to the suface. A much harder fish to target book your Tampa Fishing Charters today and let the hunt begin.